United States Government Site
& Searchable Database Links

Site Links

Federal Code Search:  One stop shopping to search the United States Code, federal rules & regs, executive orders, and historical documents. 

Guide Star:  Nonprofit IRS forms

OSHA Safety & Health:  Site includes several databases to search, provides a myriad of information regarding the workforce and workplace of America.

U S Department of Labor:  Provides Federal Wage Rates, NLRB info, Federal laws pertaining to labor and/or employment.  As with all government websites there are numerous places to E Mail questions.

US DOL:   Complaint/Request For Assistance Form:   Form is now known as "The NonImmigrant Information Form WH-4".  The information provided on this form will assist the Department of Labor in determining whether the named employer has committed a violation of provisions of the H-1B program. Your identity will be kept confidential to the fullest extent provided by law. 

US DOL:  Notice of Alleged Safety Hazard Form:  This form is provided so that any employee orrepresentative of employees who believe that a violation of a safety or health standard exists that threatens physical harm, or that an imminent danger exists, may request an inspection by giving notice to the Secretary or his authorized representative of such violation or danger.

US DOL:   Davis Bacon Wage Determination Search

US DOT Vehicle number:  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration database.  The Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) query provides access to company UCR registration data given the company's US DOT number, MC/MX numer or Frieght Forwarder number.  UCR was established in the SAFETEA-LU legislation to replace the previous Single State Registration System (SSRS). 

United States of America:  Federal government's official web site. 

Database Links

Searchable Government Databases:  A "By Subject" listing of info available from the Federal government

Federal Davis Bacon Rates:   List of federal prevailing wages by state, type of work and county 

Federal Debarment:  The Excluded Parties List is a list of people and companies barred from bidding work paid for by federal tax dollars

Congress Votes:  A Washington Post.com database of all Congressional Votes since 1991

Dept of Defense:  Report from the DOD on prime contract Awards

Erisa Information:   Includes 5500 reports

MSHA:  The OSHA for the Mining Industry

OSHA:  Searchable database for Contractors/Persons who have been issued citations for OSHA violations